Thursday, March 11, 2010

Day 12 - Stabilization

Today I weighed 136.8 which is a gain of 1 pound over yesterday, but is exactly my LIW. I have to be honest here though, I didn't eat my diet plan yesterday, at all. I just snacked throughout the day (on healthy stuff, but WAY too much organic trail mix), and I even had a half of a chocolate chip cookie and 2 or 3 bites of Indian Fry Bread. I can't even tell you why I did it. My hubby is out of town dealing with my father-in-law and his cancer, and I just kind of went and fell off the band wagon, so to say.

So today, just to be disciplined, I am going to do a modified correction day of 6 apples and 6 servings of cheese. And lots of tea and water.

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