Monday, January 18, 2010

Day 3 - First VLCD

I did it! Well, okay, MACKENZIE did it! But she got me up at 5:30 this morning and we went to the gym. Granted, we only did 15 minutes of the elliptical machine, but it still burned 177 calories!

I weighed 157 this morning, so over the weekend I gained 3 pounds from pigging out!  I am okay with it, because the hard stuff begins today.  It is only 8:30 am, so of course, I am doing just fine! HAH!  I will be logging back in throughout the day as I add to what I have eaten and such.

It is 10:30 am now, and all I have had to "eat" is Weightless Organic tea with stevia, and about 3 glasses of water.  And I am NOT hungry.  I know, it is only 10:30, but I was up at 5:30, so normally, I am up at 8 am, and I am definitely hungry by 1:00, and that is the same timeframe.  Plus, I didn't really eat too much dinner last night.

I can't believe how much I am PEEING!  I have never in my life peed so much, even when I was pregnant.  It seems that I am going every half an hour (no exaggeration) but I hear that is very common as your body is undergoing a detox process with the HCG.

I am going to go ahead and eat an apple before I pick up Natalie at 11 am.  I just want to stay one step ahead of my hunger.

Well, I forgot to eat before I picked up Natalie.  That's right, FORGOT!  I can't believe it.  It is 11:30 now though, and I am making Natalie mac & cheese...and you know what?  It doesn't even bother me! :)  I am going to have a cup of strawberries and a glass of water for a snack.  I will keep a running total of my caloric intake below.

2 pm and I just had 1 serving of starch. 

3:45 pm I decided that I need to eat.  I am a bit hungry, but definitely not famished. I cut up my chicken and started weighing it.  Do you know how freakin' LITTLE 100 grams of chicken is???  I was SHOCKED.  Well, heck, that's why I am fat!  I have been eating 3 times too much meat at every meal! :)

7:30 pm  I still have a meat, a veggie & a fruit to eat.  And I am not hungry.  I KNOW this can't be in my mind.  I am having crab meat with asparagus and an apple.  Then I will go to bed.  I would say I am proud of myself, but it really wasn't hard.  I guess ask me in a week.

The only thing I can say, is I realize how much I would have messed up had I not been on a strict diet...I would have totally just grabbed stuff off the kids plate.  I have to say, this strict of a diet is really for me.  It is all or nothing. :)

Another thing this is really teaching me, is how much I have allowed FOOD to play a part in my life.  For instance, today I took Natalie to the Dr....because she didn't like the shots she had to get, I almost said "I will take you to Dairy Queen for a sundae", and that was after I almost told her I would take her to Grandma's Diner for a lunch for mommy and her.  Then, after gymnastics tonight, I almost thought to take the kids out for a snack.  I am learning to stop "rewarding" with food, and also to find a new gathering place for the family, other than around a table eating.

0 cal Weightless Tea with Stevia
50 cal 1c strawberries
60 cal 9 breadsticks
116 cal 100g chicken breast
60 cal 9 breadsticks
12 cal 2 c. lettuce (with apple cider vinegar, water, stevia dressing)
85 cal 100g crab meat
27 cal 134g asparagus
90 cal 184g orange

grand total:  500 calories (um, wow, how did I manage that perfection?)

I would definitely rate this day as a 10.  It really couldn't of been better.  I worked out, albeit, just a little bit.  My hunger was under control.  I woke early, and should be going to bed early.  I don't have any complaints (but a bit of a bothersome headache, but I really think that is unrelated).

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